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Gate Entry Policy/Registration

Each individual member (over the age of 4) requires an ID card in order to gain access to the facilities.  See below for information on obtaining a card (new members), change of information, adding/deleting a member, replacing lost cards, change of membership, or obtaining a nanny pass.  Please contact the Membership Chair if you have any questions regarding the gate entry system or the information provided below.


Obtaining a Card (New Members)

In order to create gate entry identification cards, we request that all new members submit the information below (Please note that this form is for new members only!):

Member Information

Membership Number (on bond)


Phone Number / Alternate Phone (optional)


City, State, Zip

Email Address

Spouse Information


Phone Number / Alternate Phone (optional)

Emergency Contact

Name / Phone

Child Information (Please include for each child on membership 4 years or older)

Name / Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy)


Submit the above information along with a digital photo of each member (a group photo can be used if members are identified) to the  webmaster.  contact the Membership Chair with any questions.


Card Renewal

Children under the age of 16 must renew their card every six years at no charge.


Change of Information

In order to keep the data in our system up to date we ask members to contact us if there are any changes regarding phone numbers, address, or emergency contacts.  If your membership information has changed, please send an email to the Membership Chair with your name, bond number, and any changes that you need to make.


Adding/Deleting a Member

If you need to add or delete a member within your family, we ask that you please send an email to the Membership Chair with your name, bond number, and the name of the family member that you would like to add or delete.  If you are adding a child to your family (all children over the age of four require a card), please also provide the child's date of birth.  Also, prior to issuance of an ID card for an added member, a photo will need to be taken (click here for dates).


Replacing Lost Cards

If you have lost one or more cards, you can request new cards by sending an email to the Membership Chair.  Replacement cards will be delivered to the office and you will be notified when the cards are available for pick up.  A fee of $5.00 per card, with a family maximum fee of $10.00 for multiple cards will apply.


Change of Membership

If you are changing your membership (e.g., from active to special), you will not need to obtain a new card.  Please continue to use your previously issued id cards.


Obtaining a Nanny Pass

If you require a nanny pass, please contact the Membership Chair.  Once the Nanny Pass fee has been approved and payment has been received, you will be notified when the nanny pass card is available for pick up (at the office).

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